Announcement of the auction No. 53. Shulzhenko, Yakovlev, Krasnopevtsev, Nemukhin, Plavinsky, Nesterova, Masterkova, Popkov, Kazarin and others. December 23, 2020 — January 12, 2021

Before us is a portrait of the American writer Edgar Alan Poe with the heroes of his works. The author of this picture is the great and terrible Vasily Shulzhenko. A bold, provocative artist, author of the famous canvas “The Kybo”. The heroes of his works, like those of Edgar Allan Poe, are often marginalized, drunkards and phantasmagorical characters. Sharp in his judgement, Vasily Shulzhenko, like Edgar Poe, is often attacked by critics. He is usually blamed for his dislike of the Russian people. Well... this time there is nothing to pick on. There is nothing Russian. Before us is a gorgeous, atmospheric work and a plot that is understandable all over the world, on all continents.