Artist Vladimir Nemukhin. Recommendations, prices, investment aspect

Vladimir Nikolaevich Nemukhin (1925–2016) is the most important figure in the history of unofficial post-war art. Member of the “Lianozovo group”. Friend and associate of Oscar Rabin. Participant of the Bulldozer exhibition in 1974 and the historical exhibition in the pavilion “Beekeeping” at the VDNKh in 1975. He exhibited at the City Graphics Committee on Malaya Gruzinskaya 28 as part of the group “Seven Artists” — together with his friends Krasnopevtsev, Vechtomov, Plavinsky, Kalinin, Kharitonov and others.

Announcement of the auction No. 54. Yakovlev, Nesterova, Weisberg, Chuikov, Belenok, Nemukhin, Voloshin, Blue Noses, Mamyshev-Monroe and others. January 13–19, 2021

Together with Zverev, he became a symbol of unofficial art. These are still two names that first come to mind: the rebellious Zverev and the quiet, soulful Yakovlev. An artist of a difficult fate. He spent many months in psychiatric institutions. Poorly saw, at the end of his life he almost completely lost his sight. But the sixties and seventies are the peak of the creative form of Vladimir Yakovlev.

Announcement of the auction No. 53. Shulzhenko, Yakovlev, Krasnopevtsev, Nemukhin, Plavinsky, Nesterova, Masterkova, Popkov, Kazarin and others. December 23, 2020 — January 12, 2021

Before us is a portrait of the American writer Edgar Alan Poe with the heroes of his works. The author of this picture is the great and terrible Vasily Shulzhenko. A bold, provocative artist, author of the famous canvas “The Kybo”. The heroes of his works, like those of Edgar Allan Poe, are often marginalized, drunkards and phantasmagorical characters. Sharp in his judgement, Vasily Shulzhenko, like Edgar Poe, is often attacked by critics. He is usually blamed for his dislike of the Russian people. Well... this time there is nothing to pick on. There is nothing Russian. Before us is a gorgeous, atmospheric work and a plot that is understandable all over the world, on all continents.

Announcement of the auction No. 48. Sveshnikov, Vulokh, Yurlov, Grositsky, Nemukhin, Kazarin, Feoktistov, Burliuk, Lyubich, Bazilev, Voligamsi and others. November 18–24, 2020

Works by the 1960s artist Boris Sveshnikov regularly participate in our auctions, but still recall the biography. At the age of 19, he was sent to a prison camp due to slander, for anti-Soviet activities. The “goner” dying of exhaustion was saved by the paramedic Arkady Akimovich Steinberg — the artist of the “Silver Age” and the father of Eduard Steinberg. Perhaps it was precisely that camp horror that gave rise to that very unique imagery in Sveshnikov's work — with monsters, graves, infernal figures. What is called “Kafkaesque romance”.

Ideas for an investment collection. Budget: RUB 500,000. 1960s Nonconformist Art

The tips and list of names in this article are addressed to novice collectors and investors who are at a crossroads. But not to immediately rush to buy on the list — no. This is information for reflection, a set of ideas, a range of possibilities, a private view of the auction specialists. The meaning of the recommendations listed below is to protect novice collectors and investors from completely spontaneous haphazard purchases, and obviously illiquid things. So that later, when you have already decided on your own direction of collecting, the excess could be sold.

Announcement of the auction No. 42. Mikhnov-Voitenko, Voloshin, Rabin, Glazunov, Nemukhin, Sokolov, Udaltsova and others. October 7–13, 2020

Mikhnov-Voitenko is a Leningrad nonconformist artist, an outstanding abstract expressionist. He worked as a turner, studied at the Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, then at the Theater Institute at the staging department. Then he worked at an art plant, made custom decorative panels and signs. He entered the history of art with the works made “for the table”. Art historians believe that in individual creative discoveries Mikhnov-Voitenko was the first in the world, ahead of the Americans and Europeans. It is no coincidence that collectors hunt for his trademark “tubes” and for paintings of the “spontaneous method”. And one of the masterpieces is in front of us.

Announcement of the auction No. 37. Purygin, Britov, Ney, Nemukhin, Grigoriev, Kapitanova, and others. September 2–8, 2020

What is Purygin appreciated for? For a special look, for a fantasy fairytale world inhabited by deep philosophical characters. An artist of a very difficult fate. He drank heavily, was in mental hospitals, participated in apartment exhibitions. In 1988, foreign collectors noticed Purygin at the first Moscow Sotheby's, and soon the artist left for America. But he didn't take root there. He returned to Russia and in 1995 died of a heart attack. A self-taught artist from the drawing circle of the Naro-Fominsk Palace of Culture is now one of the most expensive artists of the post-war unofficial art.

Announcement of the auction No. 36. Sitnikov, Nemukhin, Zverev, Zubarev, Gintovt and others. August 26 — September 1, 2020

Spectacular, more than a meter, bright canvas. And a bold plot. Piano keys, flutes, immodest performers, stars and a crescent moon. Music and primal instincts are among the main themes in the work of Alexander Sitnikov. As well as mysticism, myths, historical legends. And in this work, everything is not easy. The star and the crescent moon are associated with Muslim symbols. But in fact, this imagery has been known since the time of the Sumerian civilization, where the month is the sign of the god Sina, and the star is the sign of the goddess Ishtar. But that is not all. Noticed the hammer and sickle in the center? One way or another — in any case, the interpretation of “Dolls” will be an exciting experience for the new owner.

Announcement of the auction No. 35. Altman, Marevna, Shpindler, Nemukhin, Vorobyov, Pivovarov, Yankilevsky and others. August 19–25, 2020

The village of the Kiev province — Odessa — Vienna — Paris. A normal route for a talented and moderately ambitious provincial artist. Well, where else to go if not to the cultural capital of Europe? There, where Montmartre, the Salons of the Independent, favorite impressionists and progressive audiences who have seen a lot, and therefore are not inclined to obscurantism. Looking ahead, I will say that a miracle will happen. In a few years, yesterday's shoemaker himself will become a prominent participant in these salons. And his personal exhibition in Paris will be paid for by the famous Baron Rothschild himself.

Announcement of the auction No. 32. Nemukhin, Zverev, Kokurin, Sudeikin and others. July 29 — August 4, 2020

Before us is Nemukhin's work from a cycle dedicated to the leaders of the Russian avant-garde. He has Jack Mayakovsky. Jack Marc Chagall. In this case, it is a dedication to the figure of the theatrical avant-garde, director, theater innovator, reformer and experimenter Vsevolod Meyerhold. The figure is very complex, ambiguous and colorful. It is not without reason that Meyerhold was painted by Yuri Annenkov, Boris Grigoriev, Alexander Golovin and other outstanding portrait painters of their time. Malevich made the sets for his production of Mystery-Buff based on Mayakovsky's material. And Mayakovsky personally played several roles at the premiere instead of the actors who did not appear.