10 mistakes when buying paintings with investment plans

If you are thinking about paintings, you are already lost. Collecting and investing in art purchases is an incredibly interesting world. Addictive. This is not just a bet to win, but a continuous intellectual quiz. But the art market is very different from the real estate or securities markets. I have never heard of fake apartments or promotions that have one or two buyers. But with pictures it happens in different ways.

Announcement of the auction ArtSale.info No. 36. Sitnikov, Nemukhin, Zverev, Zubarev, Gintovt and others. August 26 — September 1, 2020

Spectacular, more than a meter, bright canvas. And a bold plot. Piano keys, flutes, immodest performers, stars and a crescent moon. Music and primal instincts are among the main themes in the work of Alexander Sitnikov. As well as mysticism, myths, historical legends. And in this work, everything is not easy. The star and the crescent moon are associated with Muslim symbols. But in fact, this imagery has been known since the time of the Sumerian civilization, where the month is the sign of the god Sina, and the star is the sign of the goddess Ishtar. But that is not all. Noticed the hammer and sickle in the center? One way or another — in any case, the interpretation of “Dolls” will be an exciting experience for the new owner.

Announcement of the auction ArtSale.info No. 35. Altman, Marevna, Shpindler, Nemukhin, Vorobyov, Pivovarov, Yankilevsky and others. August 19–25, 2020

The village of the Kiev province — Odessa — Vienna — Paris. A normal route for a talented and moderately ambitious provincial artist. Well, where else to go if not to the cultural capital of Europe? There, where Montmartre, the Salons of the Independent, favorite impressionists and progressive audiences who have seen a lot, and therefore are not inclined to obscurantism. Looking ahead, I will say that a miracle will happen. In a few years, yesterday's shoemaker himself will become a prominent participant in these salons. And his personal exhibition in Paris will be paid for by the famous Baron Rothschild himself.

What does “Verbal Expert Confirmation” mean in an auction?

Online bidders must have noticed that in the description of some lots there is the phrase “Verbal confirmation of such-and-such expert” or “Verbal confirmation of the artist's widow”. In what cases and why is it written?

I explain.

Verbal confirmation means that the authenticity of the work has been verified, but an official expert opinion (paper with signature and seal) has not been issued at the time of sale. And it is recommended to do this to the buyer immediately after purchase.

Announcement of the auction ArtSale.info No. 34. Hanzen, Westchiloff, Pogédaïeff, Zommer, Britov, Silis and others. August 12–18, 2020

There will be a shock auction of Russian classics — works of important artists of the late 19th — early 20th centuries. There will be many amazing intersections in the fates of the authors. Almost all of the artists listed below were born in the Russian Empire. Almost all were artists of the Naval Department. Almost all emigrated in the 1920s. And, as befits a Russian artist at the turn of the century, everyone died in a foreign land — in France, in Montenegro, in Turkestan.

Announcement of the auction ArtSale.info No. 33. Malyavin, Sudeikin, Zverev, Leporskaya, Sinezubov, Ugarov, Bukh, Vasiliev and others. August 5–11, 2020

Myalavin is undoubtedly one of the first names in Russian art. He was a member of the “World of Art” and the “Union of Russian Artists” associations. A man of amazing and characteristic fate. Fame in Russia came to him after recognition abroad. Academicians of the Imperial Academy criticized his masterpiece “Laughter”. But at the world exhibition in Paris, it was given a gold medal. Besides, “Italians who understand nothing in art” bought a painting for their museum of modern art. There is no prophet in his own country. And at home, meanwhile, they continued to teach the artist content. Educate. And they were brought up to such an extent that Malyavin stopped showing his works. He was honored with a personal exhibition in Russia after the revolution. Ironically, it was not the imperial academicians who organized it, but the Bolsheviks.At first, the artist met the arrival of the new government with enthusiasm, and even created a series of portraits of Lenin. But he quickly became disillusioned and in 1922 left his homeland by cunning. The artist died in France, in Nice in 1940.

Announcement of the auction ArtSale.info No. 32. Nemukhin, Zverev, Kokurin, Sudeikin and others. July 29 — August 4, 2020

Before us is Nemukhin's work from a cycle dedicated to the leaders of the Russian avant-garde. He has Jack Mayakovsky. Jack Marc Chagall. In this case, it is a dedication to the figure of the theatrical avant-garde, director, theater innovator, reformer and experimenter Vsevolod Meyerhold. The figure is very complex, ambiguous and colorful. It is not without reason that Meyerhold was painted by Yuri Annenkov, Boris Grigoriev, Alexander Golovin and other outstanding portrait painters of their time. Malevich made the sets for his production of Mystery-Buff based on Mayakovsky's material. And Mayakovsky personally played several roles at the premiere instead of the actors who did not appear.

Announcement of the auction ArtSale.info No. 31. Rabin, Zverev, Nemukhin, Dynnikov, Katran and others. July 22–28, 2020

“I don’t want to scold — I’m just sorry for this person. He is just pathetic, unhappy pathetic. He got into a very unattractive story, and only because he turned out to be too grateful material for speculators visiting from abroad on the part of human souls... A vague, frightened, neurasthenic world appears in the artist's canvases. Sloping houses, crooked windows, herring heads, scrubbed walls of barracks — all this would look like an ordinary bias of the layman, if it were not mixed with pseudo-significant symbolism of nonsense”... And further in the same spirit. So the newspaper “Soviet Culture” wrote. Article “Expensive price of lentil soup”. June 14, 1966.

Announcement of the auction ArtSale.info No. 30. Kokurin, Boruch, Nemukhin, Gorokhovsky, Manukhin, Yankilevsky and others. July 15–21, 2020

Among the dozens of artists of the Vladimir school of painting there are three pillars: Kim Britov, Valery Kokurin and Vladimir Yukin. The most expensive, the most famous. Pioneers and discoverers. Russian landscapes, painted in incredibly vivid colors, emitting light themselves, created a sensation in 1960 at the republican exhibition in Moscow. And, like the “Impressionists” after the “Salon of the Outcasts”, the term “Vladimirites” was fixed in our language after the exhibition “Soviet Russia”.

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So, our new address is now this: https://www.youtube.com/c/ArtSaleAuction

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